This is the old crossing where the Indian Head River Trail passes over the Rocky Run stream. In 2022, the Town of Hanson Conservation Commission constructed a new crossing that no longer restricted waterflow and at the same time, greatly improved the "passability" for fish, amphibians, and other aquatic life.
Rocky Run Stream Crossing
Early summer 2022, the Hanson Conservation Commission replaced an old obstructive, piled rock bridge across the Rocky Run stream close to were it merges into the Indian Head River. Inspired by the stepping stone water crossings often seen in Great Britain, this new ford allows free flow of water as it descends down Rocky Run onward to the Indian Head River. With this new configuration, open pathways now exist for passage, both up and down stream, for fish, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. In addition, the sometime hazardous crossing conditions caused by overflowing blocked highwater and ice should be eliminated.
The following five photos show some before and after of the stream crossing.
The following five photos show some before and after of the stream crossing.

At Rocky Run Conservation area in Hanson. Looking west (upstream) along the Indian Head River at the site of a former dam. June 2022.

Another view of the former Indian Head River dam at Rocky Run conservation area Hanson. According to Wikipedia "In 1812, James Reed constructed a gristmill on the Hanson side of the river at its intersection with Rocky Run Brook, then built a dam across the Indian Head River for a tack and nail factory. " A long stretch of that dam is still in place and stretches from the base of the rocky outcrops to the edge of the river shown here on the right.

The design selected by the Hanson Conservation Commission allows free flow of water and a much safer crossing for foot crossing. Note the clearly visible stream channel now visible above the crossing. In the many years I've been crossing over Rocky Run, I'd never seen the actual stream bed upstream from this crossing.