Razorbills Northern Gannet Entanglement close callMore Razorbills Great Shearwaters Northern FulmarBonaparte's Gull Great ShearwaterGreat Shearwater Great Shearwater Great Shearwater Surf Scoters Dovekie Northern FulmarNorthern FulmarCommon Loon Concenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red Phalaropes Concenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red Phalaropes Concenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red Phalaropes Concenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red Phalaropes Concenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red PhalaropesConcenus is that these are Red Phalaropes Concenus is that these are Red PhalaropesNorthern FulmarEnterprise Enterprise Outward Bound Oct 21 Trip Great Shearwater on StellwagenCommon LoonsBlack Scoter Black ScoterNorthern GannetNorthern Gannet Cory's Shearwater Great Shearwater Great Shearwater Manx ShearwatterGreat ShearwaterGreat Shearwater Great ShearwaterGreat ShearwaterGreat Shearwater Great ShearwaterGreat ShearwaterGreat Shearwater Great ShearwaterCommon Eider Common Eider Great ShearwaterGreat ShearwaterGreat ShearwaterGreat Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Great ShearwaterGreat ShearwaterGreat Shearwater Photos from Sandlance Cruise on May 18 & 19, 2016.NOAA Internal Wave Trip - June 2015