Feb 2024, typical Winnetuxet water levels for late winter and early spring. The river channel meanders through this gap between Striar Conservancy and the Town of Halifax owner Randall-Hilliard Preserve.
Winter 2025
Winter 2025
Winter 2025
Winter 2025
Morning after the Feb 13 snowfall at Striar Conservancy.
Sun rise at Striar looking towards the Winnetuxet.
Past Vernal Pool walk at Striar. These Wildlands Trust led, 'hands on' events, are quite popular and always fill up to the limit on number of participants.
On this 2021 vernal pool walk, we found lots of spring peepers in this Striar Conservancy vernal pool.
Here's a spring peeper we saw on this VP walk in 2021. Spring Peepers are considered on of the two types of tree frogs found in Massachusetts. Notice the adhesive toe pads which allow tree frogs to climb vertical and overhanging surfaces.
The Grey tree frog is the other, also seen at Striar.
Grey Tree Frog at Striar Conservancy. Taken April 7, 2017
Evening of March 10 exploring vernal pools at Striars Conservancy, part of the Wildlands Trust. This spring peeper was quite vocal till I started trying to get the video. He stopped but you can hear so many more frogs in the background. Amazing sounds!
Most likely a wood frog egg mass in one of the many vernal pools at Striar Preserve. April 2019.
Grey Tree Frog at Striar Conservancy. Taken April 7, 2017
Wildlands Trust lead hike at Striar Conservancy, Dec 4 2021.
Grey Tree Frog at Striar Conservancy. Taken April 7, 2017
Kiosk at the Striar Conservancy trail head.
Striar Conservancy - Halifax MA
Main kiosk just off the parking lot at Striar Conservancy (Wildlands Trust) in Halifax, MA.
Ovenbird at the Striar Conservancy - Wildlands Trust.
Certified vernal pool at Striar Conservancy.
Main trail crossing one of numerous small streams at Striar Conservancy.
Early morning after an ice storm. Looking at the Winnetuxet.
Eagle scout project Bog bridges.
One of the many certified vernal pools at Striar Conservancy.
Wood Frog taken Oct 22, 2016 at Striar Conservancy
After the 4-3-2016 snowfall.
Jan 20, 2018 - Looking off towards the Winnetuxet river. Lots of ice showing how far the water flooded outside the river plain. Notice the horizontal white stripes on the tree trunks which indicate how high the water levels have been.
Evening at Striar. This is what remains of what used to be a man made pond towards the south eastern side of Striar. The earthen dam that helped form this pond was breached during Hurricane Bob in 1991 and this area is returning to a more 'natural' state.
Looking from the parking lot. Wildlands Trust Striar Conservancy.
October 6, 2020 - I've been visiting the Striar Conservancy for many years and this is lowest I've ever seen the Winnetuxet River. This location is on the south western side of Striar and it would be very difficult for a kayak or canoe to pass through this part of the river.
Lots of river otter activity at Striar Conservancy. Here are some recent (March 2019) otter slides in the snow at Striar.
Eastern Towhee. Saw and heard lots of towhees today. 4-30-16.
Striar Conservancy - Ovenbird
Second time in a couple days that I've come across a Yellow-billed cuckoo (YBCU) at the Striar Conservancy in Halifax.
Ovenbird at the Striar Conservancy - Wildlands Trust.
Eastern Phoebe EAPH
Palm Warbler at Striar Conservancy. Saw two of these out on the back side by the pond. 4-30-16
Four Thush and a Cowbird egg. This nest was on the ground along a stream.
Spring awakening at Striar. April 2019.
Main trail at Striar Conservancy.
Garter snake along the main trail.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo alond the Winnetuxet.
Wood Duck with ducklings on the Winnetuxet.
Barred Owl taken 5-1-16. No real value to this photo other than it's help for identifying the owl.
Palm Warbler.
Golden Crowned Kinglet
Red Squirrel along the main trail at Striar.
Yellow-rumped Warbler at Striar. Taken 4/16/2016.
Ovenbird at the Striar Conservancy - Wildlands Trust.
Brown Creeper 4/3/2016.
Brown Creeper 4/3/2016.
I believe this to be a Pine Warbler. 3-30-16.
I can always count on seeing a few of these Catbirds towards the back of the property, near the collapsed dike.
Jan 20, 2018. Flooding back up through the stream gullys which made the main trail unpassible for a time. Note the ice shelf with the glove resting on it which is an indication of how high the water rose to. Main trail is now passible.
Jan 20, 2018. More views of how high the water rose.
Looking out on the Winnetuxet River.
"In paths untrodden, Here, by myself, away from the clank of the world" From "In Paths Untrodden" - Poem by Walt Whitman
Elbow bend in the Winnetuxet River along the Striar Conservancy in Halifax.
Looking at the Winnetuxet River from the trail.
After the 4-3-2016 snowfall.
After the 4-3-2016 snowfall.
Many vernal pools at Striar including 5 certified by the NHESP. In this case, I believe these to be the egg mass of a spotted salamander.
NHESP amphibian traps in a vernal pool at Striar.
NHESP amphibian traps in a vernal pool at Striar.
Salamander spermatophore
One Night One Vernal Pool: 3/10/16 Spotted Salamander
One Night One Vernal Pool: 3/10/16. Spring Peeper
One Night One Vernal Pool: 3/10/16. Spring Peeper
Spring Peeper at Striars. Taken on on 3/10/16 which was the second straight day of 60+ tempratures.
One Night One Vernal Pool: 3/10/16 American Toad
One Night One Vernal Pool: 3/10/16. Spring Peeper
One Night One Vernal Pool: 3/10/16. Wood Frog
One Night One Vernal Pool: 3/10/16. Spotted Salamander
Taken Oct 29, 2017 at Striar Conservancy.
Taken Oct 29, 2017 at Striar Conservancy.
Orange Jelly fungus.
A natural terrarium off the trail at Wildlands Trust Striar Conservancy.
The Omnipresent Laccaria or possibly the Lilac Cort. Aug 30, 2017.
At Striar Conservancy, Wildlands Trust, Halifax MA. Aug 2017.
Indian Pipes (Monotropa uniflora). These are parasitic plants that feed off of fungi. Aug 30, 2017.
Indian Pipes or Monotropa uniflora. These are flowering plants not fungi. Aug 30, 2017.
Omnipresent Laccaria or possibly the Lilac Cort. Aug 2017 at Wildlands Trust Striar Conservancy.
Omnipresent Laccaria or possibly the Lilac Cort. Aug 2017 at Wildlands Trust Striar Conservancy.
Possibly Scaly Pholiota. Aug 25, 2017.
At Striar Conservancy, Wildlands Trust, Halifax MA. Aug 2017.
One of many small views of the Winnetuxet River as it passes beside Striar Conservancy.
Trail Art, taken at Striar Conservancy, Wildlands Trust, Halifax, MA.
These are now sprouting along the main trail though Striar Conservancy.
Hummingbird, also at the rear of the property near the small pond.
Ovenbird at the Striar Conservancy - Wildlands Trust.
Note the horizontal ice lines approx half way up the truck. That indicates the recent water level.